pas·sion; noun: a strong and barely controllable emotion.
Synonyms: intense – fiery – excited – spirited – energetic – wild
Passion is really a broad word. We are passionate about our kids. Our spouses. Our jobs—well, on Fridays at least. We are passionate about food, movies, football teams. I’m a Cleveland Browns fan and we know passion!!
Passion gives us a glimpse at a person’s values and goals. What you’re passionate about becomes the thing you spend as much time as possible doing because that ‘thing’ ignites your heart with fire, intensity, and spirit.
I choose PASSION as my OneWord365 for 2019.
Why did I choose this word? What am I passionate about?
I really like me… a lot. I worked really hard to get to the point where I can say those words and mean them.
We hesitate to say that we like ourselves because it sounds egotistical or self-absorbed. I’m not bragging. I’m just saying I’m the best version of me there is anywhere — I do ‘me’ better than anyone on the planet.
How about you? Do you like you? Are you passionate about YOU?
Did you know, that no matter what else comes your way, you will end up spending the rest of your life with yourself? Do you know how lucky you are?!
You are the most amazing person you know!
You are a beautifully unique, complex individual with many different aspects to your personality. This is what makes the world so interesting and colorful!
God has created each of us specially and differently. It’s amazing. He took time to design each and every one of us. He didn’t make us perfect, but He made us special and, what’s more, He makes us perfect in Him. That’s something to be passionate about!
Thrive with your personality traits.
Most people know if they are introverted, extroverted, or an ambivert (which is a blend of the two). Knowing who you are simply puts you in a position to make choices that complement your preferences. While an extrovert may thrive by filling up their social calendar, an introvert (like me!) might benefit from a quiet night of Netflix or Scrabble. Both are awesome!
Never be something God didn’t design you to be.
You should never have to try to be someone you’re not or go against your personal values or authentic self.
You don’t have to do something just because that’s what your friends are doing. Theodore Roosevelt once said, “Comparison is the thief of joy”. Don’t let others (and social media!) define who you are. People respect those who are authentic to who they are. When you are true to yourself and true to God, you allow the light of Christ to shine through you. Be passionate about yourself BECAUSE of who Christ made you to be.Make His desires the desires of your heart.
If Jesus picked a OneWord365, I think it would probably be “passion” too. He is so passionate about you! That’s why His death and crucifixion is sometimes called “the passion”! But it wouldn’t just be His word for 2019. It’s been His “word” since before time began and will be forever. Isn’t that amazing?!
Be easy on yourself!
Life is a journey of becoming the best version of who you are, and no one gets it right every time. We all have bratty moments. We all have generous moments. We all go through ups and downs and learn more every day.
Just do yourself a little favor… every once in a while, give yourself a gentle nudge and say, “I’m enough. No matter what, I’m enough.”
“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You!” -Dr. Seuss
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