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Why One Word 365?

| written by Alece Ronzino | 2 comments

A decade ago I came to grips with the fact that I’m not a New Year’s resolutions girl. 

Oh, I tried hard to be. I really did. Historically, I’d set goals and write out my resolutions. But a few months later – or, let’s be honest, a few weeks later — when I couldn’t even remember what my resolutions were, I felt like a miserable failure.

So back in 2009, I made peace with the fact that I simply don’t work that way, and I came up with my own personal non-resolution resolution. 

I chose one word to focus on for the entire year. 

No list. No goals. No specifics. Just one word. And I committed to remain mindful of it all year. 

In typical crazy-me fashion, I jumped in the deep end with my word choice. My One Word for that first year? Risk. 

Yeah, I know. 

But as frightening as the word was, I was in awe at how much it truly impacted my year. It guided my decisions. Determined my steps. Helped me share my heart. It spurred me on. Challenged me. Inspired me. I loved it and I hated it, but I didn’t forget it. 

It was just one word. But it made a huge difference in my year and in my life. 

I blogged about it at the start of the year, and quite a few people decided to join me in the One Word challenge. Together, we encouraged and spurred one another on throughout the year. We all routinely blogged about what our word was teaching us. 

Out of that, the One Word 365 community was born. Since 2009, thousands of individuals from all over the world have chosen to focus on one word as their intention for the year. Together, we follow along with one another’s journeys via social media and glean inspiration from everyone’s unique strategies of choosing to live everyday with intentionality. It truly is amazing to see the power one word can have in our lives. If we’ll let it. 

So… Will you let it? 

Choose just one word. 

One word that sums up who you want to be or how you want to live or what you want to achieve by the end of 2021. 

One word that you can focus on every day, all year long.

It will take hard work, and will require intentionality and commitment. But if you let it, your word will shape you and your year. It will guide your decisions and help you grow.

Discover the big impact one word can make.

One word. 365 days. A life changed.

Join us.

After pioneering a nonprofit in South Africa for 13 years, Alece Ronzino now lives in Nashville, TN. She’s a vacation rental management firm owner, freelance copywriter/editor, and the founder of One Word 365. More importantly, she dances in the car, talks with her hands, and makes a mean guacamole. Follow Alece on Instagram and Twitter, and visit her blog, Grit and Glory.