Hello, friends!
The updated site for 2018 is in the works, and should be done by the end of the week thanks to the amazing team at Cross & Crown! (If you need design work done, make them your first stop. I promise they’ll be your last!)
In the meantime, we’ve still got 4 weeks left to lean into our 2017 words… I have to keep reminding myself that the point wasn’t to “arrive”. I sit here thinking about my word — unapologetic — and I’m acutely aware of all the ways I have yet to grow into it. And I have to give myself permission to not have achieved some impossible state of unapologetic nirvana by now…. Because I know it’s about the journey, the process… And that it’s one that is ongoing, intentionally begun this year but never-ending…
The perfectionist in me wants to feel like I’ve succeeded in some tangible way, and so this exercise — even 8 years in — is ridiculously challenging for me…
I am ever in-process.
Ever on-journey.
Ever growing, moving, changing, evolving, becoming.
And that is okay.
That. Is. Okay.
I have to force myself to think of all the ways I have leaned into my word. I most definitely lived more unapologetically than I ever have in my life. I stood up for myself in bold, new ways; I decreased my unnecessary use of the word “sorry”; I spoke my truth… So while I’m not ready to run a victory lap, I do see the ways I’ve allowed my word to shape me over the past year. And I know it will continue to shape me still.
Ever in-process.
Ever on-journey.
Ever becoming.
How are you feeling about your word and your journey as 2017 winds down? I’d love to hear some of your thoughts before we shift gears into the new year…