This year has been an amazing journey in Grace. Grace truly is amazing. Yet, for many of us, we do not extend grace to ourselves. We have learned of Jesus, we can write about grace, and forgive and extend grace everywhere—except into our own little corner where we think nobody sees.
I was baptized the day before I turned 11. In October, the Rogue River is pretty warm in Southern Oregon. Still, I felt like I was freezing until after I was plunged under. When I was brought up from the water, I felt warm. I felt like I was bursting with light and life. Something was different.
And today, almost 23 years later, I am finally understanding that being baptized in water is like being plunged in grace. You see, you don’t just get a sprinkling. Grace doesn’t simply touch the top of your head and run down. There is not a single part of you that grace misses. It is a submersion!
You cannot escape the covering of grace. In all your attempts to please God and live perfectly, you will come up short. You need Him. You were made to need Him. And He sent Jesus before you were ever born, so that you would be covered in grace from the moment you existed. You can never do anything to add to or take from your gift of grace from God.
This photograph is from a summer hike I did with some friends from our church. Equipped with a love for adventure and a new camera, I left the trail to get closer to the water. It was mesmerizing. As the water came down and hit the rocks, it created its own windstorm that would gust and bring mist over me like a stormy day at the ocean. The water was mighty and the thundering was strong enough that I was unaware of anything else. Yet? It was not frightening or dangerous.
This waterfall made me so aware of God. And His grace? Much like that water that comes from above. I could not see the source of the falls, nor the end of them from where I stood, but the water was continuous and wonderful! There was simultaneously a mighty power and a reassuring calm. I wanted nothing else but to stand and watch this pour down again and again.
When we stand in His grace, it pours over us continuously and affects everything around us. We extend our hands, dripping with grace, to help others. We speak from mouths filled with life that comes from that grace. When Jesus spoke of living water, can you imagine drinking from a joy-filled cup of never-ending grace and then heading out to face your day? How would your perspective be changed?
Truly, this is where He has me, and it’s soaking in. I want to be sopping wet with grace. Then, my joy may be full. A song that moved me to tears recently is “Something In The Water” by Carrie Underwood. Here are some of the lines that moved me the most:
“…I was all out of hope and all out of fight
Couldn’t fight back the tears so I fell on my knees
Saying, “God, if you’re there come and rescue me.”
Felt love pouring down from above
Got washed in the water, washed in the blood
And now I’m changed
And now I’m stronger
There must be something in the water…”
I’m learning that I don’t have to fight who God made me to be. Instead, I need to allow myself to be His. I’m suited for His purposes rather than my own. And when I hit that point where I’m not enough, He’s there. I’m trying to live in the moment of “He’s enough”. His strength is perfect. When I need a reminder, I think of the waterfall. It’s so high up that I cannot see all of it at once, but I know it is all there—regardless of which part of it my eyes can take in. Bathed in His presence, I fill up with that living water in the morning, ready for another day of grace.