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My One Word Morning Cuppa

| written by SherriOhler

INTRODUCING…… the 2017 Word of the Year Mugs!


As the year turns new with anticipation of what’s to come like the sunrise after a dark and stormy night, we choose our one word in January with hope and resolute fervor. Vowing to hang on to it tightly until we see its depth bring fruit in our lives.

This is how I feel every year, and looking back, that fervor has served me well. The impact of my words over the years is seen in the beautiful fabric of who I have become as a woman and evidence that the Lord is not done with me yet. He won’t ever be done with me and I love that.

A beautiful way to keep your word ever before you as it works its way into your heart throughout the year.

I love that it is His grace that has brought us to leave self resolutions in the past to embrace the one prophetic word that He will be working in us for the next year if we will only let Him.

When God speaks our word it feels like our best friend speaking a secret to us just before recess. Do we hang onto it tightly and quietly and let is ruminate in our heart for a while before sharing it with others? Or do we shout it from the mountaintops in excitement of the beautiful picture that this one little secret holds for our year ahead…  Maybe both.

It is in the morning quiet times with my Savior that my word is embraced, mulled over, savored, and celebrated. It is over my morning cuppa that the true meaning of the word takes root in my heart and catapults me into the year with perfect expectation that the best is always yet to come.

Visit 39 Baker Drive on Etsy and tell us your word, choose your color, then prepare for your most beautiful morning cuppa joe or cuppa tea yet! 

Use coupon code ONEWORD365 to save 10% on your mug.

Hi, I’m Sherri! I have a deep passion and hunger for the things of the Lord and tend to move in the prophetic as the Lord speaks to me often in dreams & visions. (Which I believe is for every believer!) I encourage the saints of the end times army, that’s YOU, to stand and fight with their identity & authority in Christ in order to experience freedom in their own lives as well as to help set other captives free. I also share the 39 Baker Drive shop with my incredible husband, Randy. The Lord is expanding it into the most amazing vision in 2016! Sign up for the newsletter at sherriohler.com to stay in the know and be a part of the excitement! You can find me on Facebook and Instagram too.