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One Word: Heart

| written by Alece Ronzino | 6 comments

A guest post from One-Worder Jenifer Metzger ::


I began to think about my one word for 2013 back in November. I thought I had the perfect word for me. It was something God deals with me often. My one word was set.


My husband took me to a beautiful concert. This concert was full of big named Christian artists. I was thrilled to be going. We arrived at the arena and the stage was set with beautiful Christmas trees and twinkling lights. Soon the orchestra came in and sat down with their beautiful instruments. Then the music began and Christmas carols fill the venue. It was a magical time.


Matthew West came out and sang a song about the story of David. His powerful voice pierces my heart. As tears pool in my eyes, I feel God speaking to my spirit.

“At the end of the day
I want to hear people say
My heart looks like Your heart

When the world looks at me
Let them agree
My heart looks like Your heart”

Out of everything I do, I want people to look at me and see Jesus. When I speak do they hear Him? When I move do they see Him? Does my heart reflect the heart of Jesus?

Coming here to this wonderful blogging world, I can speak words Christ lays on my heart. You can come and see Jesus here. While I strive to be very real with you, I come here to share what God lays on my heart. But when I am at the grocery store, the gas station or driving down the road, is Jesus seen? When I am home with my family, even on the hard days, do I mirror Jesus? And when I am all alone, do my actions and thoughts look like that of my King?

Of course I want people to see in me a good mother, wife, sister, daughter and friend. But if that is all they can say about me, if they cannot see Jesus in me, it is all for nothing.

This new year, now in 2013, I am going to focus on mirroring the heart of Jesus. Therefore my new word is….


My word for 2013 is heart. This new year, I want to focus on making my heart look like the heart of Jesus.


Jenifer Metzger is daughter of The King, wife to Jeremy and mother to four children whom she calls her blessings from Heaven.  Jenifer and her husband are children’s pastors and she homeschools her children.  She is the founder and co-leader of Woman to Woman Ministries and blogs at www.jenifermetzger.org.


If you’d like to guest post for the One Word 365 blog, contact us and let us know. Be sure to include the general idea of what you’d like to share in your post.

After pioneering a nonprofit in South Africa for 13 years, Alece Ronzino now lives in Nashville, TN. She’s a vacation rental management firm owner, freelance copywriter/editor, and the founder of One Word 365. More importantly, she dances in the car, talks with her hands, and makes a mean guacamole. Follow Alece on Instagram and Twitter, and visit her blog, Grit and Glory.