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One Word 365+1

| written by Alece Ronzino | 0 comments

Kind of ironic that the year we change the name to One Word 365, it’s a Leap Year. Heh. 

So we’ve got 366 days to focus on our word… Bonus! Alece  shared a unique thought about this +1 Day over on her blog...

Happy Leap Year, friends. Here’s to an amazing journey…

Don’t miss Alece’s post about Day 60 of 366 > 

After pioneering a nonprofit in South Africa for 13 years, Alece Ronzino now lives in Nashville, TN. She’s a vacation rental management firm owner, freelance copywriter/editor, and the founder of One Word 365. More importantly, she dances in the car, talks with her hands, and makes a mean guacamole. Follow Alece on Instagram and Twitter, and visit her blog, Grit and Glory.