Call me jaded. I’m OK with that because I have a feeling I’m not alone.
I always had good intentions.
Every year I’d make New Year’s resolutions, only to forget about them by the end of January. Or maybe I got past the first couple of months but then, wham! Life happened.
So I stopped. Completely.
No more resolutions for me.
And for a while I was ok with that.
But I needed something more.
Something to guide me. Something to focus on to bring structure and meaning to my year.
Enter One Word
No more complicated, well-meaning but poorly executed resolutions. Just. One. Word.
Simple, meaningful, profound.
And so, for the past few years I’ve used One Word as my guide. And it’s been going quite well.
But then I came to a startling realization. If I’m not careful, my One Word could end up having the same fate as my former New Year’s resolutions.
So here’s what I’m doing instead to make sure that my One Word sticks once and for all. And by the way, if any of these tips resonates with you, feel free to try them.
5 Tips to Make Your One Word Stick
1. Pray
As I make plans for the year the first thing I aim to do is seek God’s will. I approach Him in prayer fully expecting that He will lead and guide me – which includes leading me to my One Word.
2. Choose One Word
It is usually during one of my intentional goal-setting prayer times that God gives me focus. I love having a word for the year to meditate on and guide me throughout the year. This past year my word was ENOUGH and God showed up time and time again to remind me that He is more than enough for me.
Visit this page for inspiration to see what One Word others have chosen for 2017.
3. Set Goals
This is where your One Word really comes to life.
An ideal goal-setting resource is Grace Goals (affiliate link) which I’ll be using again this year. Grace Goals is the revolutionary way to set goals and approach change.
Keep reading to find out about a bonus offer exclusively for One Word 365 readers.
Grace Goals is a PDF download with 5 mini-workshops that will take you through the process of:
4. Envision it
Part of my goal-setting process involves creating a Vision Board. A vision board is a powerful tool to keep you inspired throughout the year.
I incorporate my One Word as well as images of my envisioned future on my Vision Board. One glance reminds me of the journey I’m on and motivates me to keep going.
Even if you don’t think you’re the creative type having a visual of your goals will help. Consider what goal-setting guru Michael Hyatt does. He keeps a typed list of his goals framed and displayed in a prominent place. He’s convinced that doing this one thing makes him more productive by far. And we have to admit, he’s one pretty productive guy.
5. Live it
With your One Word and goals in hand, it’s time to live them out.
To help keep me on track this year I developed my Goals Planner to document my goals and measure my progress month by month.
Bonus Offer
As a special offer for the One Word 365 community, when you purchase Grace Goals here before 6 January 2017, you’ll get the Goals Planner absolutely free. Simply email your Grace Goals receipt to sunsparkleshine{@}gmail{dot}com to receive your bonus.
So, you see it’s ok to be a little jaded about New Year’s resolutions. Especially if it leads you to a better way to achieving lasting change.
What about you?
If you’ve chosen your One Word already, please share it in the comments to inspire someone else.
Then let us know which of these tips you’re going to try to bring your One Word to life.
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