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Keep It Stupid Simple

| written by Brent Dumler | 3 comments

photo credit: www.langevin.com

You and I tend to overcomplicate our purpose…calling…life mission…and our OneWord of focus for the year.  Do you agree?

I blogged about my OneWord for 2016 back at the end of December.  Here it is:


That’s my OneWord.  And for me it’s a reminder of the specific journey God has planned for me to embark on.  I said ‘YES’ to him years ago, but recently I have found myself having to recommit.  Having to make a cognitive choice to speak the word ‘YES’ yet again to him.  Why?

I have been in vocational ministry and leadership for the past 15 years.  Though I am 100% confident I am still in his will, I have recently transitioned to working as a Barista and rebranding myself as a life coach and social media manager.  Folks, that’s a big change!  And if I’m going to be gut-level authentic with you, December and January were dark months containing very little joy and hope.  Thankfully, I realized that I had lost sight of my calling and taken my attention off of my OneWord.

“Self-awareness is a gift of wisdom.”


Here are 3 tips for keeping YOUR OneWord ‘stupid simple’ in 2016:

Whatever you do, set yourself up for success and keep it simple.  Start small.

How about you?  Have you overcomplicated your OneWord?  Leave a comment below.  In what ways can you take steps to overSIMPLIFY it this week.  Seriously, let’s do this together.

Brent is an ordained minister and has over 25 years of church leadership experience. Currently, he leads a Missional Community in Yakima, WA with his wife, Cailey. He also does public speaking and life coaching. Connect with him on Facebook, Twitter, and his blog.