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In the News!

| written by Alece Ronzino | 6 comments

NBC local news in Nashville ran a story about OneWord365 last night. (Yes, I’m still freaking out a little bit.) (Okay, a lotta bit.) It was exciting and nerve-wracking and more fun than I expected it to be. But mostly I’m overwhelmed with gratitude for this incredible community… I definitely don’t see this as a “me” thing, but a “we” thing. Thank you for linking arms with me and with each other, and choosing to live with intentionality in the context of this amazing community. 

View the video on the WSMV Channel 4 site 

After pioneering a nonprofit in South Africa for 13 years, Alece Ronzino now lives in Nashville, TN. She’s a vacation rental management firm owner, freelance copywriter/editor, and the founder of One Word 365. More importantly, she dances in the car, talks with her hands, and makes a mean guacamole. Follow Alece on Instagram and Twitter, and visit her blog, Grit and Glory.