You guys! One Word tribe! I need your help.
I’m full-steam ahead preparing for 2014. The amazing team at Cross & Crown is working on our fully customized, responsive, AMAZING new website. I cannot wait to unveil the whole thing to you, but for now… Let me at least entice you with this screenshot from the home page:
The whole site is going to be so much more stunning, engaging, and interactive than this one. I’m really excited for all the ways it will help us band together to live intentionally.
I’m starting to plan for partnerships with online communities and for sharing the idea of One Word 365 on various online outlets. But I can’t do all this on my own. Even if I could, I wouldn’t want to. One Word 365 is bigger than just me. It’s an entire global community. So this is where you come in…
I am looking for those who will share about One Word 365 on their own blog this December.
I am also looking for those who write for these online platforms:
• (in)courage
• Deeper Story
• Prodigal Magazine
• SheLoves Magazine
• Praise & Coffee Magazine
• Relevant
• Faith Village
• Catalyst
• Huffington Post
• Patheos
• BlogHer
• CafeMom
• Proverbs 31 Ministries
Would you be willing to submit an article to them about One Word 365 (introducing the concept and inviting others to be a part, ideally through sharing your own journey)? If they are interested in talking about a more in-depth partnership, that’s a possibility as well. Or maybe they would want to cover One Word on their own, if they knew about it.
(Also — Did I miss any relevant online communities and platforms that should be on this list? Please let me know any others you think of!)
Are you interested in getting involved in any of these ways?
Let me know!