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Grace: Prudence Landis

| written by Alece Ronzino | 0 comments

After angry [one sided] conversations with God that He had abandoned us, that He doesn’t care about us – and the humility it takes to return, stepping into grace – a grace that is readily available before I even begin to think about coming back – has taken time.

As I look back over these past two months, I wonder if God orchestrated this year of grace for this season alone.  If it goes beyond merely becoming more like Him, to Him needing me to breathe it in.  That He knew I would need to know His grace doesn’t fluctuate the way mine does.  That it is more constant than the rising and setting of the sun, despite the accusations I prosecute Him with.  So, He made it my focus.  He zeroed my heart in on everything having to do with His grace for me.

Read Prudence’s full post here >
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After pioneering a nonprofit in South Africa for 13 years, Alece Ronzino now lives in Nashville, TN. She’s a vacation rental management firm owner, freelance copywriter/editor, and the founder of One Word 365. More importantly, she dances in the car, talks with her hands, and makes a mean guacamole. Follow Alece on Instagram and Twitter, and visit her blog, Grit and Glory.