Every year, my favorite part of One Word 365 is the community aspect. I love that none of us have to do this thing alone. We’re all in it together.
I watch as people with the same word band together on Twitter and Facebook. I hear about groups of friends (and strangers-turned-friends) who gather because they all live in the same area. I see people, regardless of their words, encouraging, motivating, and nudging others on.
And it’s so exciting!
We’re less than two weeks into 2016, and already I’ve had friends mail me gifts, suggest books and websites, tag me in images, and send me quotes… all related to my One Word: badassery. Friends have asked me how I’m doing with it, celebrated with me the times my badassery was showing, and helped me acknowledge it in places I was struggling to see it.
If I were doing this thing alone, I wouldn’t make it very far.
I’m so incredibly thankful for these matchless friends who come alongside me, grab my hand, and say “Let’s walk together”.
This year I wanted to create even more space and opportunity for that to happen online, so I launched a Facebook Group for the One Word 365 community. It’s a safe place to ask questions, share updates (and blog posts), request help, encourage others, brainstorm practical ways to live out your word, and spur one another on.
If you’re looking for more ways to dig in with others on this journey, come join us in the Facebook group.
While we each individually lean into our own words, we get to do so in the context of community. No one has to walk alone.
Let’s walk together this year.